12 Mar

Where to start?

In the 15th and 16th centuries the Kingdom of God suffered a series of significant setbacks. One of these was the encroachment of its’ enemies into Christian Europe. This became so bad that all of Christian civilization was under serious threat of being engulfed and extinguished by the Muslim armies of the Ottoman Empire. The Kingdom of God was hanging on by a thread.

The success of Islam’s advance into Europe hinged upon a special military force, they were known as the Janissaries.  The highly trained, well equipped, and professional Janissaries could beat any military force Christian Europe could put into the field at that time to try and protect itself.  For over two hundred years The Janissaries were among the most effective tools the enemies of Christian Civilisation had at their disposal.

Where did this apparently unbeatable enemy of God’s Kingdom come from?  The Janissaries consisted of the children of Christian parents who had been abducted or confiscated by Muslim’s.  After being kidnapped outside of the Ottoman empire or confiscated from Christian families living within the Ottoman Empire (a muslim practice known as the “Blood Tax”) these children of Christians were enslaved and placed in special Muslim academies.  In these education centres these children were indoctrinated, converted to Islam and trained to fight Christianity.  Satan’s successful strategy against God’s people was to capture their children and then turn them into weapons to be used against God’s Kingdom.

Is any of this beginning to have a familiar ring to it? 

What we are experiencing today in our schools and university campuses across Christendom is not new.  It is the result of a deliberate, long-term strategy that has been used before, and with considerable success, against the Kingdom of God.  But it has also been defeated before by The Kingdom of God  – albeit only after a determined, sacrificial and courageous struggle on the part of God’s people.

Today the Kingdom of God is under attack from a new generation of Janissaries.  Since the state took over education from the church in the nineteenth century, the Children of Christendom have been captured and indoctrinated by servants of Satan working within the godless state education system that is enslaving our children.  To save our children and Christian civilisation we need to protect them from being captured by Satan in these anti-Christian institutions.  This is why, today, in modern New Zealand, providing Christian education should be our number one priority in the defence and advancement of God’s Kingdom.

Our children are a sacred gift entrusted to us by God.   Every time we send one of these innocent lambs into the perverted, anti-Christian, neo-marxist indoctrination centres currently masquerading as schools, poly-techs and universities in this country,  we are failing in this most sacred of duties.  We are failing as a Christian community and failing as Christian parents.  This dereliction of sacred duty can no longer be tolerated.

Proverbs 22:6             

“Start children off on the way they should go, and even when they are old they will not turn from it.”

But we should also not forget that, in addition to our children and grandchildren, there is another group that has become entrapped by the openly anti-Christian state education system; another group of people who should also be close to our hearts.  These are the adult Christian’s who have chosen, with noble intentions, to invest themselves in what they believed would be a career in teaching, not indoctrination. Christian teachers and teacher aids in state schools are now subjected to the coercion of an anti-Christian, neo-marxist bureaucracy who are mis-using the power placed in their hands by government to obsessively control every aspect of a teacher’s working day.  This crushing bureaucratic weight is brought to bear upon our teachers in order to ensure the satanic ideologies of their godless bureaucratic masters are pushed relentlessly into the classroom.  Christian educators are the precious resources that we need to recover from that system in order to organise the rescue of our children from it’s clutches.

My vision is that every child of every parent attending a Christian Church will have the opportunity of being educated in a Christian school, poly-tech or university.

How do we make that happen? 

Matthew 17:20            

 “Truly I tell you, if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there, and it will move.  Nothing will be impossible for you.”

if one or two of the following topic suggestions interest you, how about coming to our next get together prepared to talk about them.

Identifying the need: 

  • Identify the elements in the current state curriculum that you find most concerning as a christian.
  • What plans for the future are being promoted within the department of education or by university based education  “experts”
  • Can you think of examples in recent current events that clearly demonstrate the political indoctrination of impressionable young Students by state Schools and universities.

 Providing solutions 

  • What exactly is a “Christian Education”?  How should a Christian education environment differ from a state run one?
  • What challenges do Christian Schools and teachers face today or are likely to face in the near future?  How might the church support them in these challenges?
  • How can a comprehensive, high quality Christian education be rapidly made a realistic option for the children of every Christian family in New Zealand?
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